How do I find a good lawyer in the Chicago area? You need a really good lawyer, one who is right for your case and fits with your personality and your needs. Finding a lawyer is the easy part. In Chicago, lawyers seem to be on every street corner and on every floor of every… Read More
Common Causes Of Bicycle Accidents In And Around Chicago
Bicycle accidents are common in and around Chicago. The cause can be hard to pinpoint, but patterns emerge which signal some of the most common causes of bike accidents. Being hit by a car while riding a bicycle can be especially serious, as the bike offers no protection from the force of the hit, usually… Read More
What Is A Chicago Slip And Fall Case? How To Know If You Have One…
What is a Slip and Fall Case? Slip and Fall claims are pretty much what they sound like- someone either slips or falls down on someone else’s property, gets hurt, and takes legal action. Slip and Fall cases are a type of what is called a premises liability case, which means being hurt on someone… Read More
I Was Hurt by an Uninsured Driver – Now What?
If you were hurt in a car accident by someone who did not have insurance, you have basically two choices. One is to pursue a claim against the other driver anyway (assuming it was their fault) and the other is to file a claim under your own car insurance policy. Either way, you should file… Read More
What is Subrogation In Personal Injury?
Subrogation is a term that you may hear in the context of your personal injury claim. Subrogation is essentially the right of reimbursement for payments that were previously made on your behalf. When exercised, it is usually done either by an injured person’s health insurance company (or Medicaid) or by their own auto insurance company…. Read More
Hiring An Injury Attorney If Your Medical Bills Are Being Covered
After being hurt in an accident, the other insurance company might bend over backwards to pay your medical bills. They will say that they want to make sure that you are “taken care of”. This might also include reimbursing you for time lost at work or offering to fix your car, if the result of… Read More
I Was Hurt By A Drunk Driver
Drunk driving is still, unfortunately, a big problem in Chicago and the suburbs. If you were hurt in a car accident and the other driver was drunk, you might be wondering if this will be an automatic win in terms of going after the other driver for your injuries. Nothing is automatic and you will… Read More
Six Mistakes After a Car Accident
Don’t fall victim to these common mistakes after a car accident. Even the smartest people can fall trap to these errors. After a car accident, people are shaken up. Often, they are hurt and don’t know what to do. If the accident was not your fault, you need to be especially careful. After a car… Read More
What’s The Diffference Between A “Claim” And A “Lawsuit” For Personal Injury – And Why Is Timing So Critical?
You may hear personal injury lawyers talk about your “claim” and wonder if this term is interchangeable with “lawsuit”. These terms are often used interchangeably but in fact, they have two different meanings. I think of “claim” as everything that happens before a lawsuit is actually filed. When you have a claim pending, you may… Read More
What Questions Should I Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer?
Selecting a personal injury lawyer can be confusing. What questions should you ask when you call an injury lawyer? Do you even need a lawyer? What qualities should you look for in a law firm? Where should you begin your search for the best injury lawyer for your case? Lawyers are not one size fits… Read More